Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Scream, You Scream...

                   Enjoying a vanilla gelato.                   

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!...well, that is at least what Lachlan has been saying ever since we visited Italy and he had his first taste of authentic gelato. Mamma mia! does he like gelato! Takes after me of course. I'm a fan of chocolate hazelnut but he doesn't seem to be too choosy. Just give him a lickin' and he'll keep on lickin'! The other day when we were at the shops I saw that they had these bambino gelato cones on sale. I ummmmed and eeerrrred about whether I should get them for him. I don't like him to have too many sweets and his dad is in the teeth business so I'd have to deal with that when we got home as well. I caved and bought them. I just thought maybe it will be reminiscent for him of his days back in Italy on the cobbled streets of Bellagio, enjoying a gelato while watching the Vespas drive by...(who am I kidding? okay I really wanted them for myself but thought I'd use Lachlan as an excuse, as all good parents do, right?) Well, after dinner I allowed him to indulge in a vanilla gelato (I indulged in a chocolate--of course I had to taste one first to make sure it was suitable for my little son..Again, just doing as all good parents do, right?) Needless to say it was a success. Obviously not as good as the real deals in Italy but as you can see by the picture he didn't care---he was delighted just the same! On a closing note I will say there are benefits to having frozen ice cream cones or popsicles in your freezer. They are great to use when your little one gets a fat lip from falling etc. I always used this trick while working in childcare to get children to keep something cold on their lip long enough so it wouldn't swell. They won't let you place an ice pack on it but they are generally more than happy to suck on a popsicle and it works like a charm! All the reason (or excuse) you need to go stock up on your favourites today!

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